Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Auggie's first Halloween he dressed up as a reindeer. The outfit was a bit too big, but he still had a good time trick or treating! We ended up going to the Rau's with Devon, Alicia, Cami and Rory and having margarita's, which is the best way to trick or treat!


Kadee and Auggie


Alicia and Rory

Rachel and Auggie

Pictures of Auggie

If you are interested in more pictures of Auggie, here they are!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Birth Story of August Dean White

On Tuesday, October 21 around 4:45am I had my first “real” contraction. I had been having ~20 contractions a day (not kidding!) since about the end of July, but this one felt much different. So different that I thought, “What the crap was that?” I didn’t think it was a real contraction at all, but I knew that it was different. I couldn’t sleep, so I watched the clock and had another one about nine minutes later. And another seven minutes after that. I couldn’t stay in bed, so I got up and went into the living room. Jersey wanted to go out, so I let her out and turned on the news. I decided that sitting on the birth ball would be most comfortable so I got it from the nursery and sat in front of the TV for about an hour. I timed contractions and they quickly went from seven to five to every three minutes apart.

Around 6:30am I decided that I didn’t want to deal with them by myself anymore, so I woke Jeff up. I said, “I think I’m in labor, but I’m not sure.” How do you know for sure? I kept thinking, if this isn’t real, I’m going to have to get ready for work soon. I definitely didn’t want to call in that early and then have it be false labor. Jeff got up with me and could easily tell that these were different and more “active” than anything I had experienced in the past. I couldn’t talk to him during contractions. We went back out to the living room and he encouraged me to call our midwife. I did around 6:45am and woke her up. I had to have Jeff talk to her during contractions. She said that she would get some supplies and slowly make her way to our house. She advised that I take a shower because the water would make false labor slow down and real labor speed up. I took her advice but was quickly afraid that I would run out of hot water, so I filled the tub. I also couldn’t stand up during contractions and so I ended up just sitting in a bath (which really wasn’t what she intended). During this time, labor picked up immensely and I had to start vocalizing through contractions and stare at a focal point. I didn’t know that I would take to this pattern so easily – I always envisioned myself as someone who would be really quiet. Not true!

Jeff encouraged me to call into work and call our friend, Alicia, to come over. I was desperately afraid of breaking my labor pattern and messing up the progress I was making, so I put off these options as long as possible. Around 8:45 or 9:00am Jeff called both and told work that I wouldn’t be in and asked Alicia to come over. By the time she got there (around 9:30, I think) I was definitely in active labor and having to deal with some much harder contractions. I remember asking Jeff when our midwife would be there and telling him that I wanted her there ASAP. I don’t know why, but I remember feeling like things would be better with her there.

She arrived shortly after and I remember asking her if she would stay (sometimes they leave and come back if your labor isn’t well established or it’s still early). She said no, she was definitely staying. This made me feel better. I stayed in the tub for almost two more hours, although it only felt like 20 minutes. Time was really hard for me to keep track of. Eventually I decided that I had had enough of the tub and went back to the birth ball. My back hurt immensely and I was afraid that I had back labor (even though I KNEW the baby was LOA before labor started – maybe he turned? I just couldn’t imagine that my back hurt that much and he was anterior). I kept asking our midwife if she thought it was back labor and she claimed that she could feel his position for me. I asked what had to be done to do this and she said that she needed me to lie down on the couch. I acquiesced, but it was pure torture. This was the worst part of my entire labor, including when he was born. I just could NOT lay down on my back – it was terrible. While I was there, though, I asked her to check and see how dilated I was, out of sheer curiosity. Surely I was more than 3-4, I thought! She checked and said I was nine! Nine!! I was very uplifted by this information. The baby was also still LOA, too, which was great. She said that I could move to the birthing tub that was set up in the kitchen. This was amazing! Whoever invented that tub is a genius! I can’t imagine giving birth any other way, or even fathom how people do it! The water was awesome.

From this point on, things are extremely blurry. Some of the contractions were so intense that I couldn’t imagine them getting any worse (but they didn’t get worse). They were soooo hard and I kept wondering (aloud) how I could do this and especially how I could do this without all of my support people (our Dr. had arrived at some point in here, but I couldn’t tell you when). I also remember asking why anyone would do this twice?? Looking back, I thought that was a pretty funny comment, but at the time I was dead serious.

I began having pushing contractions around 1:30pm and this was sooo much better. It finally felt like I was accomplishing something and I was able to stop vocalizing. I pushed for about an hour and a half and he was born at 2:53pm! I know because I think I looked at the clock about every five minutes! His birth in the water was amazing because I got to feel his head in the water before the shoulders were born and he had so much hair! We also didn’t know, at that time, if he was a boy or a girl. His shoulders were born two seconds later and I pulled him up out of the water and into my arms. The cord was wrapped around his chest and his right leg! He had his eyes open and didn’t cry at all – just stared at us peacefully. Jeff was somewhat freaked out by the lack of crying, but I knew that it was pretty typical for babies born in that environment. Almost two minutes after he was born we realized that we didn’t know if he was a boy or a girl, so I held him up and Jeff said, “I think that’s a boy!” I was shocked! I was SO convinced that it was girl the entire time I was pregnant. So much for intuition! :)

In the tub, right after birth

Alicia and Auggie, right after birth

About 20 minutes after he was born we were able to move to the bedroom and get comfy. This was by far the best part about having him at home. Well, no, there are so many great things about having him at home, but this was a nice part. I knew that no one would take him from us, everything was done in our room, I got to stay in my normal clothes, etc., etc. It was all so peaceful and perfect. We called people around 4:30pm to let them know about his birth and had our first visitors around 6:30pm.

Getting weighed

Overall, our experience couldn’t have been better. Everything was exactly as we intended and was so wonderful. We are so grateful to our birth team – they made the experience everything that we wanted. And we are so blessed to have such a wonderful, easygoing baby. It’s been two weeks since his birth and we couldn’t ask for a baby with a better disposition! Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Birth Announcement

August Dean White was born at home on October 21, 2008. He was born at 2:53pm and weighed 7lbs, 9 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

More information about the birth, photos and videos to come.

Maternity Pics

So before the baby was born, we decided to try and take a few nine month photos. We missed the "outside" light the first day and were going to try again soon, but he came before we got the chance! In any case, here are a few of the pics we took two days before he was born.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Too big for the bed...

Apparently Jersey is too big for her bed...

Monday, September 22, 2008

34 Weeks

I'm not sure if you can tell yet...... :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mizzou Stuff

Apparently our friends and family know us well...either that, or they have excellent taste! Here's a picture of some awesome Mizzou baby stuff that we received at a shower.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

MU - Illini Game

Last weekend Jeff and I went with our friends, Devon and Alicia, to St. Louis to hang out with Katie and Greg and go to the MU - Illini game (which MU won!).

We had a good time eating at Hooters ahead of time, getting to the game ridiculously early (and hanging out around the Dr. Zhivegas stage) and then going to the game.

Here are some pictures of our awesome time:
Eating at Hooters

Jeff and I

Katie, me, Alicia

Greg, Devon, Jeff

Our view from the MU endzone

Monday, August 11, 2008

Stupid Sports Illustrated...

This is cool, but why do they have to jinx our chances at beating Illinois?

19 days until kickoff...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Camera Update

I meant to write this in my last post, but I forgot! You'll notice in the last picture that I took a picture of myself with a camera, not the camcorder this time! As you know, our camera died a couple months ago and we were holding off on buying a new one (hello, we have baby stuff to buy!) and one day my mom called up and said, "You remember how about a year ago we lost our camera and I bought a new one? Well, we found the old one!" It was in perfect condition, and since they already have a new one they gave it to us!! How nice was that?

Thanks a lot, mom and dad!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Third Trimester

Yesterday was the first day of the third trimester, so I thought I would take a picture and give an update!

The baby still moves around all the time - but now the movements feel huge. I think he/she throws a disco party every night and then sleeps off the hangover during the day :)

I have also been having lots of braxton-hicks contractions. They say these are normal, but they're still a little annoying. The good news is that they don't hurt!

Overall, I can't really complain. I have been really lucky to have a good, healthy pregnancy so far. The first trimester was a little bit rough for a few weeks with nausea and exhaustion, but that's been gone for awhile now and it's been pretty smooth sailing. They say the third trimester is not as much fun as the second, which I can imagine, I'm just hoping that the eating right/exercising that I've been doing helps with that. We're still right on target for dates, which is fantastic. So, in about three months we should have a new little one!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Why Jersey will love the baby...

I was very excited to buy this barely used jogging stroller from someone on craigslist. It's going to be awesome! When I got it home, I cleaned it and then immediately had to try it out....and since there's no baby yet, Jersey got to try it!

I think she liked it a lot. Can't you tell?? :)

Friday, June 20, 2008


A year ago we built a retaining wall around the front "garden" area in our yard. A few weeks ago, we decided that the wall had had enough time to "settle" and we could begin planting!! (Just jokes -- this is what we told our neighbors, but we really were just waiting until we had enough money to spend on real landscaping)

So, a few weekends ago my parents came to town and helped us plan our "garden." We had plans to have mulch delivered and to go buy plants. There wasn't a hint of rain in the forecast. Well, that Saturday morning it decided to pour rain on us. There wasn't even a chance of being able to plant on Sunday, since the ground was complete mud.

So, we went and picked out the plants (in the rain - no kidding!) and then held them in our garage until the following Thursday, when it was finally dry enough to plant a little.

Since then, we've been really lucky because it has rained just enough to keep them well-watered. So, here are some pictures of the (small but soon to be large) plants. Hopefully this weekend or the next we'll get the chance to plant some pretty flowers!

The "before" picture:

The "after" pictures:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Picture Finally

So, our camera still isn't working, but I took a picture with our camcorder. Goofy looking, I know, but it was the only way.

I kept forgetting to ask Jeff to take one when he's home, so I just took it myself (also goofy). But, this is exactly 20 weeks, so I thought it would be cool to commemorate the halfway point!

The baby moves around ALL the time! It's pretty cool. We're not finding out what it is, so we're looking forward to the surprise!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Camera, Work and More...

So, I haven't updated in forever because of two reasons:

1. Work was soooo busy before graduation last weekend. I mean, seriously, I think I worked every day (including Sat and Sun) for the past five weeks, and before that, it was still ALL the time!

2. I lost my camera! (or, someone nabbed it, but I am thinking I just misplaced it...) so I can't update with pictures!

But, now that graduation has come and gone, things are much quieter at work and I have time to update!

So, the big news: we are having a baby this fall! I would like to include the really bad ultrasound pic we have, but I don't have that on this computer. I'll post it sometime. And, for those wondering (because I always wonder about other people) I have been reassured by many people that no, you can't tell. I can tell...but no one else can. Unfortunately. It's kinda a bummer now that everyone knows that you still can't tell. I'm about four months, so I guess that'll happen sometime :)

If I find my camera (when?) then I promise to post some baby bump pics because I know that it makes me happy when other people do.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We are headed to Florida tomorrow on vacation. I am super-excited about warmer weather. It's been so very cold here recently and I am tired of wearing three layers of clothing every day. We'll be staying with Jeff's grandparents who live near Tampa, FL. Hopefully we'll get to do some sight-seeing, but we don't have any major plans (no swimming, unfortunately!).

I'll update with pictures when we return!