Monday, September 22, 2008

34 Weeks

I'm not sure if you can tell yet...... :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mizzou Stuff

Apparently our friends and family know us well...either that, or they have excellent taste! Here's a picture of some awesome Mizzou baby stuff that we received at a shower.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

MU - Illini Game

Last weekend Jeff and I went with our friends, Devon and Alicia, to St. Louis to hang out with Katie and Greg and go to the MU - Illini game (which MU won!).

We had a good time eating at Hooters ahead of time, getting to the game ridiculously early (and hanging out around the Dr. Zhivegas stage) and then going to the game.

Here are some pictures of our awesome time:
Eating at Hooters

Jeff and I

Katie, me, Alicia

Greg, Devon, Jeff

Our view from the MU endzone